The Gospel of Jesus Christ is for Everyone

God wants the lost to reject sin and turn to Him in love and devotion through His son Jesus Christ.

Religious and non-religious individuals badly need the grace of God provided by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. People who believe they can earn God’s salvation, blessing or favor are sadly mistaken. God does not want kids and parents to be good enough to be in his presence, which is impossible. God wants the lost to reject sin and turn to Him in love and devotion through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. This act of faith, dying for their sins, allows children and parents to be acceptable to God. They become born-again because they see themselves as God sees them, in Christ, and perfect. Jesus said, “It [the work] is finished.” We can add nothing to our salvation. We can only accept what Jesus did.

God enters their hearts spiritually and transforms their souls. God redeems them from their past and into a joyful future and eternity. That is the good news of all times! 

All born-again Christians believe they were sinners saved by God’s grace and are now the perfection of Jesus Christ before God and the world. Their new identity is set. There are no rich or poor Christians. God has given them Jesus Christ. There is no need to “get” anything from God. There is no need to beg God for what you need. He loves you and will provide everything you need. 

There are no favorites among men and women. In Christ, we are all accepted as family. 

There are no cultural advantages for born-again Christians. The ambitious and the “down-and-outers” are equals to God. Believers are all on equal ground. We cannot judge anyone because Jesus is our judge. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is for everyone who admits they have sinned against God and turned from their old ways and embraced Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. 

There are people who don’t believe they need God, and there are people who believe there is no God. In both cases, they believe they are self-sufficient. When the end comes, however, the self-sufficient often utter death-bed confessions. At last they find themselves unable to save themselves.

Just as God’s grace led a dying criminal on a cross to paradise, you too can believe in Jesus Christ and be saved.


Everyone Sins.