The Secret Of The Gospel of Jesus Christ
The illustrations on page 105 shows the boy and Jesus hugging inside a number one, which is inside the letter “U”. Inside the “U” there are some of the names of Jesus. This is the secret of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you trust and accept Jesus Christ completely as Lord and Savior, His spirit dwells in you. He becomes a part your life.
What does that mean? You spiritually receive “ALL” of Jesus Christ, not just a little bit of Jesus, but “ALL of Him.” In The Bible, Jesus has over 160 names that identify him by His qualities and works. This is significant because all of Jesus’s qualities can become a part of your identity. Does that mean you can fly? No. Does that mean you have a new way to see the world and be guided through this world and to heaven? Yes. Here are some of the names of Jesus: “God’s Son,” “King of Kings,” “The Radiance of God’s Glory,” “The Rising Of The Sun (Dayspring),” “Immanuel (God With Us),” “Indescribable Gift,” “Savior of the World,” “The Way,” ”Holy and Righteous One,” “Your Life,” “Teacher,” “The Word,” “Eternal Life,” “The Gate (Door),” “He Who Loves Us And Has Freed Us From Our Sins,” “The Man From Heaven,” “Wonderful Counselor,” “Judge of the Living and the Dead,” “Master,” “Prince of Peace,” “The True Vine,” “He Who Comes Down From Heaven and Gives Life To The World,” “My Friend,” and “The Son of Man.” One of the names of Jesus is “All”, as in “All in all”, meaning He is the savior for everyone, Colossians 3:11. This new identity in Christ should help you appreciate others as you see them from His prospective.
God wants to be one with you and inspire your God-given gifts and talents. God receives Glory when you live for Him and He instructs you toward His good purposes. It does not matter if you are a teacher, preacher, doctor, engineer, scientist, mechanic, mom, or student. God can inspire you to greatness if you trust Jesus with your life. This is another reason to appreciate and love God. In fact, He may inspire you to write a book for children and parents that explains the Good News of Jesus Christ. “Christ in you, the hope of Glory.” – Colossians 1:27.